
Showing posts from December, 2020

Break the weather

We had a break in the weather this last weekend, so we decided to take the RV to the coast and put into a storage facility. The weather cooperated and we made it with no issues. We parked the RV in Vancouver and were able to distribute Christmas presents to 2 of my daughters and grandkids. The drive back was in a couple of hours of downpouring rain. I84 was closed due a land slide so we took the Washington side on Hwy 14. Now it can snow without me worrying about pulling a trailer 300 miles on icy roads.

December pause

 Update... we were closing the house deal on November 30th... We had a date and time from the title company and we were ready. The RV was loaded and ready to go, then the bank backed out with our buyer! We now have it back on the market and have more showings... I don't see getting out of town for at least a month. We may spend the winter here in town at a RV park until the weather breaks. It is what it is... we will go with the flow. It is a little different camping in our house, most everything has been sold or given away...