
Showing posts from October, 2021

October 2021

Due to the fire changing our plans, we have no reservations until mid-October. So, off we go.... Well, it is fall... We left Steamboat State Park and headed north. Our plan was to head over the North Cascades and spend so time in the Mt. Baker area.   Our first night was at the Riverbend RV Park in Twisp. This park has spots you can pull nose in and be facing the Methow River. Close parking but both sites on each side were vacant... nice. We invited Emele to dinner at La Fonda (yummy) and caught up on the doing in the Valley. We stayed until Sunday, got to see fire damage at all three of our campgrounds... Falls Creek was missed, Camp 4 was available to camp, but the Chewuch has some damage... the area was off limits. Eight Mile was still blocked so we will have to wait till spring to see what happened in that area.  Roxanne waited to see the ocean, so we change our minds and headed south. The drive was very windy. I was tired when we spent the night at Wanapum State Park just a mile o