First major move

This called a major move because Roxanne didn't want to leave. After 20 days in Cape Disappointment, we woke up this morning and put all of our appliances, camera, pcs, etc. away for travel. When your moving, all the neighbors come out to talk. I met some nice neighbors in site 2, interesting stories...  Stopped in Long Beach and topped off the propane, ate lunch and headed to Grayland. Arrived around 2p and setup in site 50. I am glad I not planning a fire tonight because the fire ring is underwater. The site is level and in the summer it would be great. It's ok for us, but I will look at other sites for next trip. The best part of the area so far is it has cell service. My MiFi is working great, we have Wi-Fi in the camper! And, I forgot to mention that Cindy and Tom came over last Sunday for lunch. They delivered our packages and a box full of movies... I'm corrupting Roxanne with Marvel movies....


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