Fort Stevens State Park, Oregon

 We moved from Grayland down to the other side of the Columbia River. Of course, we stopped at the Roo in Long Beach for lunch. We haven't camped in this park for many years. While checking in on Friday, the ranger said the had 179 reservations for the weekend... not counting the people that don't reserve sites. The weather on Friday and Saturday was wonderful... mid 50s and Sunny. We decided on Saturday to head south on Hwy 101... that was a mistake. I think everyone from Portland decided the same thing... bumper to bumper all the way past Canon Beach. When we returned the park it looked full, I believe everyone had campfire. Anyway, it was not bad, we are just used to a little more space. Today, Sunday, it was raining and most of them left. Cindy showed up on Tuesday to spend a few days. We headed south Wednesday towards Tillamook. The whales could be seen from some of the high lookouts. We ended up in Netarts and had lunch at the wonderful The Schooner Restaurant (YUM). Cindy left on Friday(boo-hoo).


  1. Now you know what we had to learn...never, ever drive to Seaside on a weekend, especially a nice one. We also avoid it all summer long...


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